This is an important site for breeding raptors and species associated with Mediterranean scrub. Species of concern include: Gyps fulvus.
Other characteristics
The southern part of the site is a rocky mountain with very steep slopes. The main rock is limestone of the Tripoli series. It is surrounded by extensive cultivation with vineyards and olivetrees. It is a very important archaeological site. Human activities have not stopped there since the early Neolithic times. The dominant vegetation is maquis and phrygana, but artificial pine and cypress groves. There are a T.V. transmitor and a church on the two highest peaks. The north-east and the north parts of the site comprise an intermittently flowing river with rich riparian vegetation. There is a small canyon at the north-east edge of the mountain. The rocks are neogene marbles.
Heath, M. F. and Evans, M. I., eds. 2000. Important Bird Areas in Europe: Priority sites for conservation. 2: Southern Europe. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 8, p. 791.
Reference: Natura 2000 data form, database release 7 Feb 2014